Municipal Water Management System (MWMS) - City of North Bend, Washington
I designed and built a Web/database application to manage water production and purchase for compliance with required stream flows and municipal water rights. I worked with stakeholders and Golder water resources consultants to develop the list of requirements. The application automates the complex calculations needed to manage municipal water. Simple reports are provided for daily water system operations and more complex reports are provided for city management and other stakeholders. Developed in ASP.NET 2.0 with over 70 forms and reports built on over 30 tables. The database is on SQL Server 2005. I am the sole designer/developer.
Operator's daily report: On an ordinary day when everything is working correctly, the water system operator sees this report and pumps the amount of water specified in this report. When there has been adequate rainfall no additional water will be needed as reflected in this day's report.

Operator Daily Report for use when today's data is not available online: After Accepting Todays Report each day,
the operator prints this report. When a day's data is not available, the previous day's printed report allows calculation
based on the past 19 days flow requirements. This report provides the necessary data for the water system operator
to calculate today's pumping rate using a spreadsheet form.
The next form is only used by engineers. This manual data entry form is used when online data is not available
and for troubleshooting data problems. All of these values are used to calculate the required daily pumping rate.
The simple forms above reflect only the
end results and error conditions.
Information on this page is used with the permission of the City of North Bend, Washington US which holds the rights to the MWMS application.